1. Work Hard(er) - the more you work, the harder it gets. No matter how hard you try, you just don't get everything done. And eventually you don't see the big picture any more and it all makes no sense. Just stress, no fun.
2. No Fun, No Satisfaction - you just don't seem to get everything done to the end and therefore have no reason to be satisfied and calm. Not finishing one things and already getting or starting to work on other task in order to feel successful and useful. Instead of positive you start feeling of making a negative difference.
3. Negative Difference instead of a positive one makes you see that others are making more progress and are better then you. The feeling is that you are stuck or even worse - you live worse then before.
The secret formula of successful people in the world of business and entrepreneurship is based in three steps - and you too can follow it and see if you are on the right track.

1. Make a Difference
Successful people see something that is missing and they want to fix it. They want to improve the life of others in a way that nobody else can or does. They see the need and they see the connection of need with what they can or are able to do/deliver. Sometimes they don't even know for sure if they can do it, they want to try it.
Challenge for You: start by doing something that nobody else in your company does and brings great value to the company. 

2. Have Fun

Because of the difference successful people are making and the enjoyment they feel, they do it more and more and over and over again. They try to be better at it every next time they do it. Take On the contrary - none of the 14 Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs included the Have Fun but he was enormously satisfied with the difference he made in the world with his wonderful products. He put it this way: "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
Challenge for You: come to work with positive expectations and look for moments to show the appreciation of others. Prepare yourself to be more positive and stay that way as long as possible.
3. Work Hard
This is the third principle that successful people are usually not aware of. Because of the difference they are making and the fun they are having in doing this - their passion and drive - they don't notice, that they are actually working hard. 10, 12 sometimes 14 hours a day. The inner force is pulling them towards their goal - to make the difference - and nothing will stop them on their way. That is the definition of a winner in life.
Take Dietrich Mateschitz the founder of the Red Bull Company and owner or co-owner of more then 50 "Red Bull - labeled" Companies all over the world. He was hard working and still is hard working, looking for new opportunities to promote Red Bull and achieve the magic goal of 7 billion sold cans of Red Bull in a year.
Challenge for You: you don't have to work 10 or more hours until you have the reason why? Find something that is really worth the sleepless nights and fix it - especially if it's in your field of expertise. If don't deliver 1% more then expected and wait for reactions of others.

Check your life and the reasons you are doing what you are doing! Think about the difference you are making and that you wish you would make.
I guarantee that you will have more fun in what you'll do and make a positive difference in your work and private life.
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